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Catalog #   Description
822 Dr. Albert Einstein
1017 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Karl Marx
2102 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Einstein issue for Int'l Year of Physics. Also 50th Ann of Einstein's death and100 year Ann of publication of Theory of Relativity.
1219a-f Click to view item # 1219d - Albert Einstein in set of 6 from Millennium sheetlet
1219a-f.1 Click to view item # 1219d - Albert Einstein in set of 6 x 2 sets on Millennium sheetlet
1601 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Einstein issue for Int'l Year of Physics. Also 50th Ann of Einstein's death and100 year Ann of publication of Theory of Relativity. FDC with set of 3, 2 non-Judaica
Isle of Man
1397 Click to view First Day Cover Single stamp in set with JSR cachet showing famous painting of Israel's first President Chaim Weizmann by Hermann Fechenbach, same artist as on the stamp. Fechenbach immigrated to Israel after the war and continued to paint on the subject matter of the SHOAH and the new State of Israel Limited numbered issue of 24
001 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover From Albert Einstein to Stephen Hawkings - 100 years pf General Relativity Theory. Set of 6 with Einstein's portrait on one stamp but his name on all 6.
002 Click to view item From Albert Einstein to Stephen Hawkings - 100 years pf General Relativity Theory. Set of 6 with Einstein's portrait on one stamp but his name on all 6. Deluxe S/S.
003 Click to view item From Albert Einstein to Stephen Hawkings - 100 years pf General Relativity Theory. Set of 6 with Einstein's portrait on one stamp but his name on all 6. Mini sheet of 6 in special folder
869 Click to view item Count Giovanni Mirandola, first Christian Hebraist
1085-6 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Alellujah oratorio by Lorenzo Perosi, a Jew
1356 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Albert Einstein. FDC Luxor cachet
1356.1 Click to view First Day Cover Albert Einstein. FDC Filagrano silk cachet
1578-9 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 1579 - Amedeo Modigliani, centenary of his birth, self portrait. set of 2 FDC Filagrano cachet
2048 Click to view item Albert Einstein
2933 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Giovanni Palatucci, Italian policeman saved thousands of Jews from extermination camps, was later arrested, deported and died in Dachau
2933.1 Click to view First Day Cover Giovanni Palatucci, Italian policeman saved thousands of Jews from extermination camps, was later arrested, deported and died in Dachau. Maxicard cancel is from Montella
2981 Click to view item Giorgio Perlasca, saved thousands of Jews from the extermination camps, worked with Wallenberg in Hungary, and once challenged Eichmann
2981.1 Click to view First Day Cover Giorgio Perlasca, saved thousands of Jews from the extermination camps, worked with Wallenberg in Hungary, and once challenged Eichmann. FDC with JSR cachet showing Perlasca planting a tree in his name at Yad Vashem
2981.2 Click to view First Day Cover Giorgio Perlasca, saved thousands of Jews from the extermination camps, worked with Wallenberg in Hungary, and once challenged Eichmann. Maxicard cancelled in Rome
2981.3 Click to view First Day Cover Giorgio Perlasca, saved thousands of Jews from the extermination camps, worked with Wallenberg in Hungary, and once challenged Eichmann. Maxicard cancelled in his hometown of Padua
3031a-c Click to view item S/S of 3 with # 3031b featuring Vittorio Gassman, born in genoa to a German father and a Pisan Jewish mother, Luisa Ambron. Considered to be on the greatest Italian actors of all time
3031a-c.1 Click to view First Day Cover Vittorio Gassman, single stamp from S/S. Official maxicard with Gassman portrait in FD cancel
3158 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Primo levi, Italian Jewish chemist and writer, Holocaust survivor. Wrote best seller IF THIS IS A MAN (in US: Survival in Auschwitz).
3158.1 Click to view First Day Cover Primo levi, Italian Jewish chemist and writer, Holocaust survivor. Official maxicard
3210 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Rita Levi-Montalcini, Italian neurologist,. was born into a wealthy Italian Jewish family, received the Nobel Prize for Medicine together with Stanley Cohen.
3210.1 Click to view First Day Cover Same, maxicard
239 Click to view item Eleanor Roosevelt, 1st patron of Israel Youth Aliyah
1955-60 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover 100th Ann Einstein's General theory of Relativity set of 6.
1955-60.1 Click to view item 100th Ann Einstein's General theory of Relativity set of 6. With special tabs taken from larger sheetlet
1960a Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover 100th Ann Einstein's General theory of Relativity mini sheetlet of 6 diff
1961 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover 100th Ann Einstein's General Theory of Relativity S/S
006 Click to view item 100th Ann Einstein's General Theory of Relativity S/S with NY 2016 stamp show logo overprint
279a-f Click to view item # 279d - Sergei Eisenstein, famous Russian movie director of Potemkin, depicted on cinema sheetlet of 10 stamps
690 Click to view item Raoul Wallenberg, 100th Ann of his birth
Korea (North)
593 Click to view item Karl Marx
2280 Click to view item Karl Marx
2548 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Kasparov-Karpov chess championship match with Kasparov the winner
2549 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Kasparov-Karpov chess championship match with Kasparov the winner. S/S
4112 Click to view item Chess S/S with Wilhelm Steinitz
79 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Karl Marx - father of Socialism. 200th Ann of his birth
79.1 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Karl Marx - father of Socialism. 200th Ann of his birth. Sheetlet of 5 plus label
79.2 Click to view First Day Cover Karl Marx - father of Socialism. 200th Ann of his birth. Maximum card
001 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Yehudi Menuhin, American born violinist & conductor, born into a family of Belorussian Jews.
001.1 Click to view item Yehudi Menuhin, American born violinist & conductor, born into a family of Belorussian Jews. Mini sheetlet of 4
002 Click to view First Day Cover Yehudi Menuhin, American born violinist & conductor, born into a family of Belorussian Jews. Maximum card
001 Click to view item Max Baer, only Jewish world heavyweight boxing champion. Label engraved by famous Czeslaw Slania, who engraved 23 in the set which sells for upwards of $ 100. We were fortunate in obtaining just Max Baer.
019 Click to view item Keren Kayemet (JNF) triangular label showing Chaim Nahman Bialik and Herzl
020 Click to view item Keren Kayemet (JNF) oval label showing Chaim Nahman Bialik and Herzl
021 Click to view item Keren Kayemet (JNF) set of 2 silver and gold embossed labels showing Israel's 1st Pres Chaim Weizmann on his 75th birthday
499-501 Karl Marx
901a-g Click to view item # 901d - Wilhelm Steinetz and # 901e - Emanuel Lasker, chess masters
001 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Mark Rotko, American painter of Latvian Jewish descent
492-5 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 495 - 850th Anniversary Birth of Maimonides
535-8 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 536 - Felix Adler, philosopher and educator
539 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Samuel Gompers, American labor leader on Souvenir Sheet
1243 Click to view item Albert Einstein and theory of relativity in Man of the Century S/S
1379a-c Click to view item Albert Einstein - 50th Ann of his death and 100th Ann of Theory of Relativity. Sheetlet of 3 diff portraits, incl one with Chess great Charles Steinmetz
1380 Click to view item Albert Einstein - 50th Ann of his death and 100th Ann of Theory of Relativity S/S
641-6 Click to view item # 642-3: Sigmund Freud and Jonas Salk
2364a-c Click to view item Albert Einstein on sheetlet of 3 diff, issued for Int'l Year of Physics, 50th ann of his death, and 100th Ann of Theory of Relativity
2365 Click to view item 50th Ann of the death of Einstein, and 100th Ann of his Theory of Relativity. S/S shows Einstein with fellow Jewish nuclear physicist J Oppenheimer
2561a-f Click to view item Felix Mendelssohn, 200th Ann of his birth. Sheetlet of 6 diff
2642a-d Click to view item Pope Benedict visits the Great Synagogue in Rome. S/S I with 4 diff stamps incl Chief Rabbi
2643a-d Click to view item Pope Benedict visits the Great Synagogue in Rome. S/S II with 4 diff stamps incl Chief Rabbi
2695a-d Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Legendary Jewish heroes of Africa. This S/S of 4 acknowledges the extraordinary sacrifices made by African Jews in the liberation of their South African brethren from apartheid and slavery
001 Click to view item The Three Stooges - The Howard Brothers and Larry Fine - sheetlet of 9 diff portraits
002 Click to view item The Three Stooges - The Howard Brothers and Larry Fine - S/S # II - Cowboys with Guns
003 Click to view item The Three Stooges - The Howard Brothers and Larry Fine - S/S # I - Singing Cowboys
004 Click to view item Oskar Schindler who saved hundreds of Jews in the Holocaust on S/S
008 Click to view item Raoul Wallenberg in sheetlet of 6 depicting People's Champions
009 Click to view item Nobel Laureates sheetlet of 6 with Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres, Peace winners in 1994, and Joseph Rotblat, Peace winner in 1995
010 Click to view item Chiune Sugihara, Japanese consul-general in Kaunas, Lithuania during WWII, who saved over 6,000 Jews from the hands of the Nazis, a righteous Gentile at Yad-Vashem.
010.1 Click to view item Chiune Sugihara, Japanese consul-general in Kaunas, Lithuania during WWII, who saved over 6,000 Jews from the hands of the Nazis, a righteous Gentile at Yad-Vashem. Sheetlet of 4
012 Click to view item IN MEMORIUM of the crew of the space shuttle Columbia. With Israel's Ilan Ramon at the extreme right. Sheetlet of 7
795 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Ludwig Zamenhof on stamp issued for 90th World Esperanto Congress
795.1 Click to view First Day Cover Ludwig Zamenhof on stamp issued for 90th World Esperanto Congress. Special folder with one MNH and one FD cancelled stamps.
943 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Czeslaw Milosz, 1980 Nobel Prize in Literature. Milosz is honoured at Israel's Yad Vashem memorial to the Holocaust, as one of the "Righteous among the Nations".
984 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Physician Oskar Minkovski. Born in Kaunas, Lithuania. In 1872, antisemitic measures forced the family to emigrate to Königsberg in Prussia. Minkowski became one of the leading German internists and chaired the German Association of Internal Medicine
800 Click to view item J.H. Dunant, founder of the Red Cross, Christian advocate of Jews settling in Eretz Israel, called by Herzl the first Christian Zionist
1387 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Rabbi Samuel Hirsch, appointed Grand rabbi of the Duchy of Lxumbourg in 1843.
341 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Albert Einstein - issued for Int'l Year of Physics, 50th Ann of his death and 100th Ann of the theory of Relativity
341.1 Click to view item Albert Einstein - same as # 341 but full sheetlet of 8 plus label
Malagasy Republic
943 Click to view item Rene Cassin, Nobel Laureate
1055 Click to view item Sammy Davis Jr., black entertainer convert to Judaism. Davis once remarked that if he was ever caught by the KKL, he would be hanged twice - once for being black and once for being Jewish.
1055.1 Click to view item Same - Souvenir sheet.
1132a-p Click to view item Albert Einstein, Lev Landau, Wolfgang Pauli, Otto Loewi, Albert Michaelson, Neils Bohr, Max Born, Otto Hahn; all Nobel Laureates on sheetlet of 16 stamps
1306.1 Click to view item Wilhelm Steinitz on S/S. Listed as single in Scott but noted also as S/S
1306-7 Wilhem Steinitz and Emanuel Lasker, chess masters
1307.1 Click to view item Emannuel Lasker on S/S. Listed as single in Scotts but also noted as S/S
1491a-h Click to view item # 1491e - Moshe Dayan, Defense Minister, Foreign Minister and Chief of Staff of IDF in Israel
1157-60 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 1160 - Franz Werfel, Austrian writer
1161 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover David Dubinsky, American labor leader on S/S
1821 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Zubin Mehta, Music Director of Israel's Philharmonic Orchestra, and a staunch friend of Israel
1824a-h Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Kirk Douglas on Western movies sheetlet of 8
2113a-i Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 2113e - Baruch Blumberg and # 2113f - Daniel Nathans in Nobel Laureates sheetlet of 9
2115a-i Click to view item # 2115i - Melvin Schwartz in Nobel Laureates sheetlet of 9
2116a-i Click to view item # 2116a - Neils Bohr; # 2116b - Ben Mottelson and # 2116d - Elias Canetti in Nobel Laureates sheetlet of 9
2117a-i Click to view item # 2117b - Henri Bergson in Nobel Laureates sheetlet of 9
2118a-i Click to view item # 2118a - Robert Millikin; and # 2118d - Richard Wilstatter in Nobel Laureates sheetlet of 9
2122 Konrad Bloch, Nobel Laureate for medicine in 1964 on S/S
2571a-e Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 2571a - Simon Kuznets; #2571b - Wassily Leontief; # 2571c - Lawrence Klein; and # 2571e - Leonid Kantorovich, all Nobel Laureates in sheetlet of 5 + label
2867a-d Click to view item Albert Einstein - sheetlet of 4 issued for Int'l Year of Physics, 50th Ann of his death and 100th Ann of the theory of Relativity
2868 Click to view item Albert Einstein - S/S issued for Int'l Year of Physics, 50th Ann of his death and 100th Ann of the theory of Relativity
345 Sigmund Freud, father of modern psychiatry. IMPERF!
693.1 Click to view item Kirk Douglas playing the role of Spartacus on S/S. Listed as single in Scott but noted also as S/S
728 Click to view item Wizard of Oz S/S with Bert Lahr (born Irving Larheim) as the tin man
729a-f Click to view item # 729f - Carly Simon, daughter of playwrite Neil Simon on rock 'n roll sheetlet of 6
730 Click to view item Bette Midler on S/S
C 536 Click to view item Al Jolson - 60th Anniv of Talking Pictures
001 Click to view item Judith Resnick and Challenger astronauts who died in explosion on S/S of 4
002 Click to view item Enrico Fermi, Italian physicist & Nobel Laureate, Although Catholic, he married a Jew and after receiving the Nobel prize he and his wife left Italy for the USA after being threatened by Italian anti-Semitic laws/ S/S with round stamp on space background
003 Click to view item Lionel Walter Rothschild portrait and Rothschild named butterfly. Rothschild was not only an international banker but a reknowned zoologist.
Marshall Islands
601 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Yitzhak Rabin memorial issue
601.1 Click to view item Yitzhak Rabin Memorial issue in sheetlet of 8
627a-o Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 627e - Sigmund Freud and # 627i - Albert Einstein and theory of relativity on millenium sheet of 15
627e Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Sigmund Freud
627i Click to view item Albert Einstein
654g Click to view item Billboard showing Al Jolson in the Jazz Singer
702c Click to view item Dr. Jonas Salk, co-discoverer of the polio vaccine
711k Click to view item Heart transplants make medical history with the first one Dec 1967 on Louis Washkansky, and next one on Philip Blaiberg, both South African Jews
726h Click to view item Judith Resnick and Challenger crew killed when shuttle blew up
730f Yitzhak Rabin, Arafat and Clinton shaking hands on signing the DOP between Israel and Palestinian Authority
609-12 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Judith Resnick on Challenger Memorial issue , # 610
613 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Challenger Memorial Souvenir Sheet with portrait of Judith Resnick
2038 Click to view First Day Cover Sigmund Freud, father of modern Pyschiatry
2444 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Einstein issue for Int'l Year of Physics. Also 50th Ann of Einstein's death and100 year ann of publication of Theory of Relativity. FDC with Einstein cachet
C 592 Albert Einstein
236.1 Click to view item Yitzhak Rabin memorial issue in sheetlet of 8
355a-q Click to view item # 355k - Maimonides on millennium sheetlet of 17
370a-l Click to view item Rabbi Abraham Heschel, American Rabbi, philosopher and scholar. One stamp in Millennium sheetlet of 12 diff
379a-x # 379e-f: Henry Kissinger and 379i-j: Peter Benenson who founded Amnesty International, on Peacemakers sheetlet of 20
380a-p Click to view item # 380n - George Soros, international financier on sheetlet of 16 diff world financiers and philanthropists
470a-f Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover #$ 470d - Tadeus Reichstein, Nobel Laureate for medicine on sheetlet of 6. Born in Poland but lived as a Swiss citizen
660a-d Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Albert Einstein - 50th Ann of his death and 100th Ann of Theory of Relativity. Sheetlet of 4 diff portraits
345-8 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 348 - Norbert Wiener, famous American mathematician, born to Russian Jewish immigrants
459 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Lewis Milestone, Academy Award winner and Hollywood film director, born Lev Milstein in Kishinev, Moldova, and came to USA prior to WWI. FDC has full set of 5 stamps
493-5 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover #495 - Anton Rubenstein, musician in set of 3
Z004 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Moisei (Moshe) Cogan,illustrator and sculptor. 130th Ann of his birth on both mint and FD special cancel entires
1194 Albert Einstein
1599 Click to view item Marc Chagall portrait on 100th Anniv
1930-33 Click to view item # 1931 - Sarah Bernhardt in art and culture series
2092 Click to view item 100th Anniversary of the birth of George Gershwin
2303 Click to view item Nostradamus, 16th cent astrologer and prophet, born of both Jewish parents.
2371 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Einstein issue for Int'l Year of Physics. Also 50th Ann of Einstein's death and100 year ann of publication of Theory of Relativity.
2495 Click to view item 50th Ann of Boris Pasternak's winning the Nobel prize for literature, primarily for Doctor Zhivago
2528 Click to view item 200th Ann of the birth of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, grandson of the famous philosopher Moses Mendelssohn
2571 Click to view item Gustav Mahler, composer. 150th Ann of his birth
2819 Click to view item 100th Ann of the publication of Einstein's General Relativity formula
328-9 Click to view item Karl Marx
397 Click to view item Karl Marx
486-7 Click to view item Karl Marx on 1 stamp, his book "Das Kapital" on the cover
699-705 Click to view item # 699 - Mark Spitz, 1972 winner of 7 Olympic Gold swimming medals, most in Olympic history
1026 Click to view item Karl Marx
1562a-g Click to view item # 1562a - Mikhail Botvinnik; # 1562b - Wilhelm Steinitz and # 1562d - Emanuel Lasker all chess masters
2335a-i Click to view item The Three Stooges - The Howard Brothers and Larry Fine - sheetlet I of 9 diff portraits
2336a-i Click to view item The Three Stooges - The Howard Brothers and Larry Fine - sheetlet II of 9 diff portraits
2337a-i Click to view item The Three Stooges - The Howard Brothers and Larry Fine - sheetlet III of 9 diff portraits
2338 Click to view item The Howard Brothers and Larry Fine - The Three Stooges S/S # I - Directions
2339 Click to view item The Howard Brothers and Larry Fine - The Three Stooges S/S # I I - Tailors
2340 Click to view item The Howard Brothers and Larry Fine - The Three Stooges S/S # III - Playing Football
2451 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Albert Einstein Man of The Century sheetlet of 9 diff portraits
2455 Click to view item The Howard Brothers and Larry Fine - The Three Stooges - on sheetlet IV of 9 diff portraits
2456 Click to view item The Howard Brothers and Larry Fine - The Three Stooges S/S # I Quartet
2457 Click to view item The Howard Brothers and Larry Fine - The Three Stooges S/S # II Dejected Soldiers
2482a-j Click to view item # 2482d - Soviet Jewish soldier raising flag on Reichstag, # 2482e - Einstein on millennium sheetlet of 10 diff + 2 labels
241 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Danilo Kis, Yugoslav novelist and writer. His father was a Jewish Hungarian railway inspector
936 Click to view item David ben Gurion with Western Wall and Israeli flag
944 Click to view item Anne Frank
944.1 Click to view item Anne Frank portrait in sheetlet of 4
1403a-f Click to view item # 1403b - Mikhail Botvinnik; # 1403c - Emanuel Lasker and # 1403d - Wilhelm Steinitz on chess sheetlet of 6
1407 Click to view item Gary Kasparov on chess S/S
2151a-h Click to view item Tony Curtis, born Bernard Schwartz famous Hollywood actor who died in 2010. Son of Hungarian Jewish immigrants. Sheetlet of 8 diff
2158 Click to view item Tony Curtis, born Bernard Schwartz famous Hollywood actor who died in 2010. Son of Hungarian Jewish immigrants. Souvenir sheet
480 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Prof. E.M. Meijers, drafted New Civil Code. Meijers was the son of Isidor Meijers, a naval phycisian, and Julie Wolff. He survived both Camp Westerbork and Theresienstadt concentration camp
567 Click to view First Day Cover Baruch Spinoza, philosopher. 300th Anniversary of his death
591 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Aletta Jacobs, suffragette. 60th Anniversary of Jacobs Act. Jacobs was the first woman to complete a university course in the Netherlands and the first female physician. She was born to a Jewish doctor's family in Sappemeer
598 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Anne Frank
798-800 Click to view item # 800 - Tobias Asser, Statesman and Jurist and co-Nobel Laureate for peace in 1911 with Alfred Fried for his role in the formation of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the first Hague peace conference
834-5 Click to view item # 834 - Jetje Paerl, broadcaster and performer on Radio Free Orange with the Dutch Government in exile in London during Nazi occupation of Holland
B 501-4 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Esther Van Ryk & Herman Heijermans. Actress and playwright
Netherlands Antilles
576-8 Click to view item 100th Ann Maduro Holding Co. with founder portrait S. Levy Maduro.
931a-i Click to view item # 931c - Paul Heyse, Nobel Prize in sheetlet of 9
1136a-h Click to view item # 1136c-d: David ben-Gurion, and Israeli flag on sheetlet of 8 statesmen
1217a-c Click to view item Albert Einstein, Man of the century on S/S of 3 diff portraits
1223 Click to view item Mike Wallace, TV personality, born Mike Wallach in Massachusetts, S/S
1229 Click to view item David Copperfield, magician, born David Seth Kotkin in Metuchin, NJ
1229.1 Click to view item Same - S/S of 4
1570a-d Click to view item The Three Stooges, S/S of 4 diff. The comedy trio featured the Howard Brothers and Larry Fine, all Jewish
New Zealand
678-80 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 678 - Sir Julius Vogel, statesman, was the eighth Premier of New Zealand and the only practicing Jewish prime minister of New Zealand
1182 Click to view item Also # C1026 - Karl Marx
2134a-i Click to view item # 2134a - Otto Myerhof; # 2134c - James Franck and # 2134 f - Henri Bergson, Nobel Laureates in sheetlet of 9
2135a-l Click to view item # 2135k - Joseph Brodsky in Nobel Laureates sheetlet of 12
2164a-i Click to view item #2164f - Eleanor Roosevelt, patron of Youth Aliya and # 2164h - Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel on sheetlet of 9 famous women
C 253 Click to view item Portrait of Leo Stanton Rowe, statesman, who worked on behalf of South and Central America. Issued for 50th Ann Pan-American Union (See #C493)
C 493 Click to view item Same as #C253 but overprinted for Philatelic Convention
001 Einstein Souvenir Sheet numbered with gold overprint. RARE!
1023a-f Click to view item # 1023b - Bobby Fischer; # 1023c Viktor Korchnoi and # 1023e - Gary Kasparov in chess sheetlet of 6
001 Click to view item George Gershwin in S/S celebrating events of the 20th century UNLISTED

Displaying items 801 to 1000 on page 5 of 7 total pages.

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