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Judaica Sales Reg'd has the largest stock anywhere in the world of Judaica related philately - be it stamps, First Day Covers, maximum Cards, special cancels and cachets etc . Our search engine allows you to search for and display stamps by Country or Topic, and recently added items in the last 30-60-90 days. For instance, to display all stamps from a particular country, choose country in the drop down box on the left; a new drop down box will appear on the right with all countries for which we have have stamps and First day covers available for sale. To choose the country you want, just scroll down the list. Of course you can also see the entire list of countries available by clicking on right here. To select a topic - Holocaust - for example, select Topic from the drop down box on the left, and type Holocaust in the search box that appears on the right, or click right here to see our complete list of topics and names available - almost 1000 in total. By clicking on the one you want, you will access that list. When searching by topic, please search in the plural tense, ie: stamps instead of stamp. Some exceptions may occur. To execute either search simply click Search. To browse all stamps on our list irrespective of country or topic, select all and click search. To view stamps added in the last 30, 60 or 90 days simply use the New Additions Search box. You must return to this search engine for a subsequent search by country or topic.
PLEASE NOTE: This listing is generally reserved for stamps, First Day Covers and maxicards, with the odd exception. Please see our listing of cachets and cancellations where superb Judaica related entires - postcards and covers - are also listed. (An entire is a postcard or cover on which the stamp is imprinted. Some like Moldova have First Day of issue cancels, where others like Poland do not.

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Prices are subject to change without notice. ALL PRICES ARE IN US$ DOLLARS.

Catalog #   Description
360-1 Click to view item Pope John XXIII, saved Jewish children from Nazi death camps
387-91 Click to view item The Prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah and Joel
492-4 Click to view item #492-3 Adam & Eve
526-7 Click to view item #527 - Oratorio "Halelujah"
548-9 Click to view item #548 - Noah; #549 - Ten Commandments
550-4 Click to view item #550 - And there was light; #551 - Noah
595-600 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover #595 - Moses and the Tablets; #597 - the Prophet Elijah. FED set of 2 with diff cachets, none Judaica. FDC sent may not be as pictured
623-8 Click to view item #623 - Creation of Man & Woman; #624 - Three Men in the Furnace
710-2 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover St Theresa of Avila, whose grandmother was Jewish. FDC Filagrano cachet
710-2.1 Click to view First Day Cover St Theresa of Avila, whose grandmother was Jewish. FDC Roma cachet
768-72 Click to view item #768-9 both have quotes from Isaiah 52:7 and 2:4
853-6 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Scenes in Abraham's life. Full set of 4. Set of 2 FDC with Judaica cachets
857 Click to view item Scenes in Abraham's life S/S set of 4
870-81 Click to view item Sistine chapel painting restoration. Entire set Judaica, with patriarchs, prophets etc
912-5 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover #915 - The Temple with Jesus being presented to the Sanhedrin. FDC set of 2
931a-c Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover #931a - Sacrifice of Isaac in tryptich of 3
944-51 Click to view item Se-tenant pairs depicting scenes from Genesis by Michelangelo from the Sistine Chapel
955-8 Click to view item #955 - G-d created man and woman
1009-10 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover #1010 - Edith Stein, Jewess who converted to Catholicism, and became a nun, murdered by the Nazis
1081-4 Click to view item #1081 - Jerusalem, when Jesus enters the city
1107-11 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Holy places in Israel / Palestine - Bethlehem, Nazareth, Tiberias, Jerusalem, Mt. Tabor. FDC set of 2 with Judaica cachets
1112 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Superb antique Holyland map of Palestine on S/S. FDCs very difficult to find
1156-9 Click to view item #1157 - Trials of Moses; # 1159 Golden calf from paintings by Boticelli
1185-9 Click to view item Pope John Paul II's millennium pilgrimage to Israel, 4 of 6 stamps show Holy Land incl Mount Nebo and Sinai
1190 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Pope John Paul II's millennium pilgrimage to Israel and the Holy Land, shown at the Western Wall S/S
1320 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Synagogue on left of stamp, also church and mosque, issued for European integration
1376-83 Click to view item #1380-3: Daniel Jonah, Ezekiel, Zaccharia
1435-7 Click to view item #1436 - Life of Moses - detail from a painting by Boticelli
1439-40 Click to view item #1439 - Adam and Eve. Europa issue
1439-40.1 Click to view item #1439 - Adam and Eve. Europa issue. Sheetlet of 6 with quote from Genesis in margin
1455-7 Click to view item 3 stamp set with #1456 joint issue with Israel showing Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem. Issued in blocks of 4 with 2 tabs. Only without tabs available.
1456.1 Click to view First Day Cover From 3 stamp set only #1456 joint issue with Israel showing Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem. Block of 4 with 2 tabs. FDC Giladi cache
1456.2 Click to view First Day Cover Same as #1456.1 with FDC Giladi cachet. PLEASE NOTE: FDC cancelled with ISRAEL cancel instead of with Vatican cancel. It is believed no more than 5 of this error error exist.
1483-4 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover #1484 - Gustav Mahler, 100th Ann of his death. Austrian composer, and of of the leading conductors of his generation
1602 Click to view item Joint issue with Israel. S/S showing Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.
1602.1 Click to view First Day Cover Joint issue with Israel. S/S showing Church of the Holy Sepulchre. FDC combo cover cancelled with both FD cancels, with respective flags and coats of arms JSR numbered limited issue of 12 only
1602.2 Click to view First Day Cover Joint issue with Israel. S/S showing Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Oversize FDC combo cover cancelled with both FD cancels, with 5 different views of the Church, old and new. JSR numbered limited issue of 12 only
1602.3 Click to view First Day Cover Joint issue with Israel. Stamp, taken from S/S shows Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem on maxicard. JSR numbered limited issue of 16 only
1725 Click to view item Joint issue with Israel S/S. Capernaum and House of St. Peter, Synagogue
C45-6 Click to view item Archangel Gabriel
C53-4 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Archangel Gabriel
C53-4.1 Click to view First Day Cover Archangel Gabriel. FDC Rodia cachet in blue
C53-4.2 Click to view First Day Cover Archangel Gabriel. FDC Rodia cachet in red
C53-4.3 Click to view First Day Cover Archangel Gabriel. FDC Ala cachet
C53-4.4 Click to view First Day Cover Archangel Gabriel. FDC Gold cachet
001 Click to view item Pope John XXIII who convened Vatican Council II (now 50th Ann) which, through its NOSTRA AETATE DECLARATION formally absolved all Jews then and now in the crucifixion of Jesus, and marked a major turning point in relations between Catholics and Jews.
002 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover 150th Ann on the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), with Michelangelo's painting of G-D's hand touching the hand of man
003 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover St. Theresa of Avila, also know as St. Theresa of Jesus, was the granddaughter of Juan Sanchez de Toledo who was a Marrano (Jewish convert to Christianity) Jew. He was condemned by the Spanish Inquisition for allegedly returning to the Jewish faith.
004 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover 70th Ann end of WWII, S/S of 2with concentration camp barbed wire motif in background, and one stamp showing hand reaching out of the rubble.
005 Click to view First Day Cover 10th Ann of UN Holocaust Remembrance Day with 70th Ann of liberation of Auschwitz cachet AirLetter
72-5 Click to view item #74 - Aramaic script on a set for history of writing
1446a-f Click to view item #1446b - Gloria Stolk and #1446d - Jules Waldman of the Venezuela American Cultural Centre (pre-Chavez)
C 855 Click to view item Eleanor Roosevelt, patron of Youth Aliya in Israel
Viet Nam
244-5 Click to view item Karl Marx
356 Click to view item Karl Marx
471-3 Click to view item #472b - Karl Marx
983-4 Click to view item Einstein and his Theory of Relativity
1317-8 Click to view item Karl Marx
2496-2500 Click to view item Emmanuel Lasker, Bobby Fischer, Gary Kasparov on set of chess
Virgin Islands
595 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Salome, Queen of Judea 139-67 BCE, paintings by Titian
961-6 Click to view item #962 - Einstein in set of Nobel Laureates
Wallis and Fatuna
C135 Click to view item Painting by Amadeo Modigliani
C135.1 Click to view item Painting by Amadeo Modigliani IMPERF
96-7 Click to view item Refugees pointing to map of Israel
97a Click to view item S/S shows refugees pointing to map of Israel. S/S mentioned in Scott at $50 but not listed. EXTREMELY RARE!!
760-1 Click to view item Palestinian uprising with dead or wounded children superimposed on map of Israel
762 Click to view item Palestinian intifada S/S with Temple Mount
882-3 Click to view item Operation Cast Lead in Gaza Jan 2009
884 Click to view item Operation Cast Lead in Gaza Jan 2009 S/S
Yemen (Kingdom)
278-83 Click to view item Michel Cat #283 - Portrait of Jacob Trip by Rembrandt
283.1 Click to view item Portrait of Jacob Trip by Rembrandt. CTO sheetlet of 6 with decorative margins
420-6 Click to view item Michel Cat Queen of Sheba visits King Solomon
420-6.1 Click to view item Michel Cat Queen of Sheba visits King Solomon IMPERF
427 Click to view item Michel Cat S/S of Judgement of Solomon, painting by French painter Poussin
428 Click to view item Michel Cat S/S shows Queen of Sheba visiting King Solomon
Yemen Arab Republic
210/C32 Click to view item Deir Yassin massacre, dagger in map of Israel
430-1 Click to view item "Israel Aggression Day" in Lebanon
432 Click to view item "Israel Aggression Day" in Lebanon S/S. Extremely Rare!!!
482-3 Click to view item Battle of Hittin, 800th Ann took place between Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem and Saladdin. Jerusalem was conquered and came under Moslem rule
499-502 Click to view item Palestinian uprising with Temple Mount
1088-96 Click to view item Michel Cat Sheetlet of 9+ label for World Cup Soccer Mexico 1970 in which Israel took part. #1096 and label had word Israel printed on it. Yemenis re-printed the sheet and blocked the word out, and originals removed from sale and distribution. We have both sheets here available.
Yemen Democratic Republic
111-3 Click to view item Struggle for Liberation of Palestine
1792-5 Click to view item #1795 - Illuminated page from famous Sarajevo Haggadah
1902 Click to view item Esperanto language, founded by Ludwig Zamenhof
1902.1 Click to view item Same in sheetlet of 8 plus label
2177-8 Click to view item Bobby Fischer on chess set
2288a-h Click to view item #2288a - William Steinitz; #2288c - Emmanuel Lasker on chess sheetlet
2289a-h Click to view item #2289c - Mikhail Botvinnik; #2289h - Mikhail Tal on chess sheetlet
2325a-h Click to view item #2325e - Gary Kasparov; 2325g - Bobby Fischer on chess sheetlet
953-8 Click to view item Albert Einstein - 100th Ann of his birth
959 Click to view item Albert Einstein - 100th Ann of his birth S/S
1156 Click to view item Double Eagle II, piloted by Ben Abruzzo, Maxie Anderson, and Larry Newman (who was Jewish), became the first balloon to cross the Atlantic Ocean.
856a-r Click to view item #856d - Dr. Jonas Salk, co-discoverer of the polio vaccine and #856i - world's first 2 heart transplants performed on Jews. Millennium sheetlet of 16
965a-f Click to view item #965 - Lester Pearson, Canadian diplomat who won Nobel Peace Prize for UNEF forces in Middle East after 1956 war; #965d - Egyptian Pres Anwar Sadat who won Nobel Peace Prize for Israel Egypt Peace Treaty
966a-f Click to view item #965a - Isaaca Bashevis Singer, winner of the Nobel Prize for literature in Yiddish
970 Click to view item Robert Fogel, US Nobel Laureate on S/S

Displaying items 4201 to 4296 on page 22 of 22 total pages.

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