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Catalog #   Description
1076 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Marc Chagall's The Married Couple at the Eiffel Tower
1076.1 Click to view First Day Cover Chagall's painting 'The Married Couple at the Eiffel Tower' on maximum card
1076.2 Click to view First Day Cover Chagall's painting "Married Couple at the Eiffel Tower" FDC - diff cancel
1076.3 Click to view First Day Cover Chagall's painting "Married Couple at the Eiffel Tower" FDC
1104 Click to view item Georges Mandel, cabinet minister during the Nazi reign. 20th Ann of his execution by the Nazis
1118 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover 20th Ann of the return of WWII deportees
1118.1 Click to view First Day Cover Same as # 1118 - diff cachet
1165-7 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 1167 - Charlemagne, under whose reign Jews lived as equals to Catholics.
1167.1 Click to view First Day Cover Same as # 1167 - diff cancel and cachet
1167.3 Click to view First Day Cover Same as # 1167.2 - diff cachet
1199-1201 Click to view item # 1201 - King Louis IX burned Talmud and ordered expulsion of all Jews from France in 1249
1282 Click to view First Day Cover 25th Ann liberation of concentration camps.
1282.1 Click to view First Day Cover 25th Ann liberation of concentration camps FDC with eternal flame cachet
1282.2 Click to view First Day Cover Same as # 1282.1 FDC with barbed wire cachet
1283 Click to view First Day Cover International Games for the handicapped, founded by Abraham Guttman
1289 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover The headquarters of the League of Nations in Geneva (on the right) which later became the home of the United Nations Office at Geneva since 1946. Julien Flegenheimer, of Jewish origin from Switzerland, was one of the five collaborating architects who designed this building.
1326 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover National Academy of Medicine. Richter connects this issue to Robert Debre. (Note: There is a question as to the authenticity of this stamp being Judaica - more input is welcome)
1453 Click to view First Day Cover Liberation of concentration camps - 30th Ann. Pictured on stamp Pierre Kahn, French resistance leader, born Jewish, later professed atheism
1453.3 Click to view First Day Cover Same as # 1453 diff cachet
1623 Click to view First Day Cover 30th Ann Human Rights Declaration - co-authored by Prof Rene Cassin, Nobel Laureate
1650 Click to view item 1st elections to European Parliament. Simone Veil, Holocaust survivor elected 1st President
1689 Click to view item Sculpture by Jewish sculptor Osip Zadkine. His Jewish name was Yossel Aronovich Tsadkin, born in Vitebsk, same shtetl as that of March Chagall
1693.1 Click to view First Day Cover Amadeo Modigliani, artist, who was born in to a Jewish family in Italy
1693.2 Click to view First Day Cover Same as # 1693.1 with diff cachet
1699.1 Click to view First Day Cover Aristide Briand, French Foreign Minister who met with Chaim Weizmann in 1926 and assisted him in creating a place for Jews in Palestine. A JNF Forest in Israel bears his name. Maximum card
1699.2 Click to view First Day Cover See #1699.1 - Note FDC with diff FD cancel
1699.3 Click to view First Day Cover Same as # 1699.2 with diff cachet and cancel
1713 Message of Peace. Painting by Israeli artist Yaacov Agam
1713.3 Click to view First Day Cover Message of Peace. Painting by Israeli artist Yaacov Agam
1715 Click to view item Comedie Francaise. Rachel, 3rd from left
1729.1 Click to view First Day Cover Camille Pissaro painting on maximum card
1774 Click to view item Allelujah painting by Alfred Manessier
1825 Click to view item Fight Against Racism
1825.1 Click to view First Day Cover Fight Against Racism - maximum card
1846 Click to view item St Theresa of Avila, had a Jewish grandmother
1846.1 Click to view First Day Cover St Theresa of Avila, had a Jewish grandmother. Maximum card
1847 Click to view item Leon Blum, three times Prime Minister of France, was born into a prosperous assimilated Jewish family in Paris in 1872.
1859 Click to view item Martin Luther, anti-Semite who translated Old Testament into German
1904-5 Click to view item # 1905 - Renee Levy, French Resistance fighter during WWII
1906 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Pierre Mendes France, Jewish Premier of France
1906.3 Click to view First Day Cover Pierre Mendes France, Jewish Premier of France
1967 Click to view First Day Cover Judgement of Solomon on stained glass window in Strasbourg Cathedral
1970.1 Click to view First Day Cover Painting by Pierre Alechinsky, Belgian artist whose father was a Russian Jew, his mother Belgian Walloon
2087 Click to view item Marcel Dassault, inventor of Mirage jet plane, aviation pioneer
2100 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Great Synagogue on the Rue de la Victoire in Paris
2100.1 Great Synagogue on the Rue de la Victoire on Philatelic document with details of printing of stamp
2100.1 Click to view First Day Cover Great Synagogue on the Rue de la Victoire in Paris
2100.2 Click to view First Day Cover Great Synagogue on the Rue de la Victoire in Paris
2100.6 Click to view First Day Cover Great Synagogue on the Rue de la Victoire in Paris - maximum card
2135 Click to view item Painting by Yves Klein. (Not determined 100% if Klein was Jewish - more info is requested)
2208 Max Hymens - Distinguished politician and businessman
2232a-d Click to view item S/S of 4 - #2232b: Abbe Gregoire who established civil rights for Jews in France in 1791
2249 Click to view item Hebrew letters on National Printers Issue
2435 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Moses & the Daughters of Jethro, painting by Nicolas Poussin
2435 Click to view First Day Cover Moses & the Daughters of Jethro, painting by Nicolas Poussin - maximum card
2470 Click to view item Hebrew alphabet letter on stamp issued for 200th Ann of Institute of Oriental languages
2473-4 Click to view item Europa issue for the 50th Ann of the liberation of the camps. With prison uniform patch and barbed wire.
2492 Click to view item French JUIF Yellow Star of Courage, barbed wire and Hebrew characters commemorate July 16/42 deportation of French Jews by Vichy police collaborators
2492.1 Click to view First Day Cover Same as # 2492 with diff FDC cachet
2492.2 Click to view First Day Cover Same as # 2492.1 with diff FDC cachet
2545 Click to view item UNESCO building design by Jewish architect Marcel Breuer
2648-53 Click to view item #2648 showing dove carrying letter to Noah's Ark - in booklet strip of 6
2686 Click to view item Doctors Without Frontiers - founded by Dr. Bernard Kouchner
2688-9 Click to view item # 2689 - 50th Ann declaration of Human Rights authored by Prof Rene Cassin and Eleanor Roosevelt, both of whom are pictured on the stamp
2695 Click to view item 50th Ann of establishment of diplomatic relations between France and Israel, with Israel flag
2695.1 Click to view First Day Cover 50th Ann of establishment of diplomatic relations between France and Israel
2695.4 Click to view First Day Cover 50th Ann of establishment of diplomatic relations between France and Israel - maximum card
2792.1 Click to view item 120th Ann of the Synagogue at Bordeaux, on label attached to France millennium stamp (not Judaica). Limited issue by French-Israel Philatelic Society.
2819-24 Click to view item # 2821: Serge Gainsbourg (Lucien Guinzburg), # 2823: Michael Berger and # 2824: Barbara (Monique Serf) all Jewish singers in set of 6
2824a Click to view item Same - in S/S of 6
2837a-e Click to view item 20th century sheetlet with famous portrait of Einstein with his tongue out in upper left corner
2840.1 Click to view First Day Cover Jean-Pierre Bloch, Jewish French resistance activist and President of the International league against Racism and anti-Semitism - maxicard
2904 Click to view item Stained glass painting by Marc Chagall
3088 Click to view item Rashi, scholar and interpreter of the Bible, 900th Ann of his death
3088.1 Click to view First Day Cover Rashi, scholar and interpreter of the Bible, 900th Ann of his death - maximum card
3088.2 Click to view First Day Cover Rashi, scholar and interpreter of the Bible, 900th Ann of his death
3112.1 Click to view First Day Cover Albert Einstein - 50th Ann of his death and 100th Ann of Theory of Relativity - maximum card
3112.2 Click to view First Day Cover Albert Einstein - 50th Ann of his death and 100th Ann of Theory of Relativity
3114 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover LIberation of the camps, 60th Ann
3114.1 Click to view First Day Cover LIberation of the camps, 60th Ann - maximum card
3114.2 Click to view First Day Cover LIberation of the camps, 60th Ann
3152 Click to view item Raymond Aron, French sociologist, historian and political commentator, son of a Jewish jurist
3152.4 Click to view First Day Cover Raymond Aron, French sociologist, historian and political commentator, son of a Jewish jurist - maximum card
3167 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Rabbi Jacob Kaplan, Chief Rabbi of France
3167.2 Click to view First Day Cover Rabbi Jacob Kaplan, Chief Rabbi of France - maximum card
3180 Click to view First Day Cover Painting by Camille Pissarro, whose father was of Portuguese Jewish descent. Stamp from booklet of 10 diff
3185a Click to view item Booklet of impressionist paintings with one by Jewish painter Camille Pissaro
3194 Click to view item Statue of Moses in the City of Dijon
3201a-b Click to view item Park and Gardens Albert Kahn, established by philanthropist of same name
3231 Click to view item The rehabilitation of Alfred Dreyfuss
3257 Click to view item Henri Moissan - Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry 1906
3294 Click to view item Honoring 2600+ Righteous Gentiles of France
3303 Click to view item Daniel Radcliffe, who plays Harry Potter on S.S/ His mother is Jewish.
3303a Click to view item Same, but souvenir sheet
3533-4 Click to view item 60th Ann of the 1st flight Israel-France. Joint issue with Israel.
3533-4.1 Click to view First Day Cover 60th Ann of the 1st flight Israel-France. Joint issue with Israel. Superb combo cover
3533-4.2 Click to view First Day Cover Joint issue Israel France, 50th Ann of First Flight between Israel and France. Set of 2 maxicards
3749a-e Click to view item Superb S/S of cartoon character Asterix, created by Rene Goscinny, French author, editor, humourist, born in Paris to Polish Jewish parents. (S/S also contains Sc # 3848)
3817a-e Click to view item #3817e: Alberto Bolaffi, distinguished Italian Jewish philatelist and philatelic publisher, member of the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists in Britain. On a S/S honouring 5 world philatelists.
3887 Click to view item Alliance Israelite Universelle 150th Ann. With the Hebrew word Lilmod (to learn) written on the blackboard
3986a-d Click to view item Dohany Synagogue in Budapest in margin in upper left corner of S/S of 4 diff showing sites in Budapest.
4331 Click to view item Painting by Chaim Soutine, French painter of Belarusian Jewish origin.
4331.1 Click to view item Painting by Chaim Soutine, French painter of Belarusian Jewish origin. Philatelic Document
4381 Click to view item Theatre Champs Elysées, founded by journalist and impressario Gabriel Astruc, son of Elie Aristide Astruc, , Grand Rabbi of Belgium 1866-1879.
4381.1 Click to view item Theatre Champs Elysées, founded by journalist and impressario Gabriel Astruc, son of Elie Aristide Astruc, , Grand Rabbi of Belgium 1866-1879. Philatelic Document
4801 Click to view item 70th Ann of the Liberation of the Concentration and Death Camps.
4801.1 Click to view item 70th Ann of the Liberation of the Concentration and Death Camps. Black & White engraving
4801.3 Click to view First Day Cover 70th Ann of the Liberation of the Concentration and Death Camps. Philatelic Document appx 8-1/4" x 11-3/4". Please check for postage costs on this one
4840a Click to view item Joint issue with Mexico honours Gilberto Bosques, who as Mexican consul in Vichy France during WWII, rescued mostly 40,000 Jews and Spanish Republican exiles from being deported to Nazi Germany.
4967 Click to view item Mark Rothko - born Markus Yakovlevich Rotkovich was an American painter of Russian Jewish descent
4967.1 Click to view item Mark Rothko - born Markus Yakovlevich Rotkovich was an American painter of Russian Jewish descent. Deluxe proof
4986 Click to view item Georges Charpak, born Jerzy Charpak, was a Polish born physicist, winner of the Nobel Prize for physics in 1992. Born to Jewish parents in Dabrowica in Poland
5180 Click to view item Lucien (Loi) Neuwirth, grandson of Schumel Neuwirth, a Polish Jew and Chaja-Lea Wein. he is best known for having proposed the Neuwirth Act for authorizing the use of oral contraception.
5432 Click to view item Lucie and Raymond Aubrac. Aubrac was a leader of the French Resistance during WWII and was born into a middle-class Jewish family.
5520a-d Click to view item Sarah Bernhardt, famous French Jewish actress in S/S of 4 diff actors - #5520c
B 104-7 Click to view item Int'l Relief Surtax - founded by Albert Kahn
B 112-3 Click to view item Int'l Relief Surtax - founded by Albert Kahn
B 134 Click to view item Int'l Relief Surtax - founded by Albert Kahn
B 191 Click to view item Sarah Bernhardt, actress. 100th Anniversary of her birth
B 320 Click to view item Citroen car, by Andre Gustave Citroen, designer and manufacturer, whose family came from Bialystok, Poland
B 340 Click to view item Refugee girl amid ruins of WWII
B 394-9 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover #B396: Marcel Proust, French writer and essayist, whose mother was Jewish, and #B398: Elie Metchnikoff, Russian biologist who won the Nobel Prize for medicine. His maternal grandfather was the first Russo-Jewish writer and founder of the Haskala movement in Russia; his mother was Jewish. FDC only with Marcel Proust
B 404.2 Click to view First Day Cover Emil Zola, foremost defender of Dreyfuss
B 404.5 Click to view First Day Cover Emile Zola, foremost defender of Dreyfuss - maximum card
B 404-7 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # B404 - Emil Zola, foremost defender of Dreyfuss
B 417-20 Click to view item # B420 - Paul Claudel, supported the Jewish population of France and condemned Germany's and France's anti-Jewish laws and decrees during the WWII period, and a friend of Israel.
B 420 Click to view First Day Cover Paul Claudel - maximum card
B 491 Click to view First Day Cover Max Jacob was a poet, novelist, essayist, letter writer and painter. He was born into a Jewish family, but converted to Catholicism.
B 491.6 Click to view First Day Cover Max Jacob, poet, novelist, essayist, letter writer and painter - maximum card
B 518 Simone Weil, French social philosopher, born in Paris to Alsatian agnostic Jewish parents
B 518.1 Click to view First Day Cover Simone Weil, French social philosopher - maxicard
B 530-1 Joseph and Grain Bin; Joshua and Caleb. Bible motifs
B 554 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Prof Rene Cassin, co-author of U.N. Declaration of Human Rights, Nobel Laureate
B 656-61 Click to view item # B658: Josephine Baker, avid pro Zionist, married a Jew and supported a Jewish homeland. She was said by her friend in the Resistance Jean Pierre Bloch to have conver, Italian-born French actor and singer who had a Jewish father
B 661a As B56-61, but in booklet
B 684-9 # B685 - Simone Signoret, French actress who was the first French person to win an Academy Award, whose father was Jewish featured in a cinema set of 6.
C 41 Click to view item Mystere 20 jet plane. Manufactured by Marcel Dassault
001 Click to view item Philatelic Salon S/S issued 2008 for Israel's 60th Ann and for 60th Ann of first flight from Israel to France. With Israel flag, Doar Ivri stamps, etc. Very scarce item
002 Click to view item Superb S.S of 2 stamps showing Adam & Eve in 2 diff versions in different stained glass windows
004 Click to view item Booklet of 12 art stamps, with only 1 by Camille Pissarro, born to a father of Portuguese Jewish descent.
005 Click to view item Note: Not 100% confirmed Judaica. Singer Dalida S/S 4 diff. Egyptian born & of Italian heritage. Her Calabrian Jewish connection is that her parents, Pietro & Giuseppina were born in Serrastretta with surname “Gigliotti,” a local name recognized as Jewish from Inquisition times. Dalida’s grandfather professed Algerian Jewish roots as being of B’nei Anousim
006 Click to view item Denise Glaser, one of 6 Pioneers of French TV on sheetlet. Her father was a tailor from Russia, her mother Yvonne Stein ran a store, which was confiscated by the Nazis because they were Jewish. She joined the resistance during WWII
007 Click to view item Tapestry by d'Aubusson. Stamp shows sacrifice of Isaac
007.1 Click to view item Tapestry by d'Aubusson. Stamp shows sacrifice of Isaac. Black & White engraving
009 Click to view item S/S with 4 Resistance heroes recognized by France in the French Pantheon, among them Jean Zay (bottom right), who was a politician and resistance fighter, murdered by the Vichy French. He was descended from a Jewish family in Metz.
010 Click to view item Camille Pissarro, famous French Jewish painter, 1 stamp in self-adhesive booklet of 10 diff painters.
011 Click to view item Cecile Brunschvicg, born Cecile Kahn was a French feminist politician born into a middle class Jewish family. She was am member pf the first Leon Blum cabinet.
012 Click to view item Simone Veil, French lawyer and politician,. First President of the European Parliament, and member of the Constitutional Council of France. Both her parents were Jewish. S/S of diff - all of Veil in diff political positions
013 Click to view item Georges Clemenceau, French politican & Prime Minister of France during WWi. A staunch supporter of Emil Zola and fierce opponent of anti-Semitic campaigns in France. Clemenceau poublished 665 artciles defending Dreyfus during the infamous Dreyfus affair. S/S of of 4 diff portraits.
France (Council of Europe)
1O51-2 Click to view item Hundertwasser painting on set of 2 for Council of Europe
311-19 Click to view item M #318 - Shakespeare's Shylock from the Merchant of Venice
431-8A Click to view item M # 431 - Adam & Eve and # 432 - Temple of Solomon
431-8B Click to view item M # 431 - Adam & Eve and # 432 - Temple of Solomon. IMPERF
864-8 Click to view item M # 866 - Joseph & Potiphar's wife. Painting by Tintoretto
1093-8.1 Click to view item Michel Cat Impoerf sheet of 6 with diff mosques incl Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
1222-7A (M) 6 nude paintings by Amadeo Modigliani
1222-7B Click to view item (M) 6 diff nudes by Amadeo Modigliani IMPERF
1454 Click to view item (M) Mark Spitz, overprinted on Munich Olympics
Blk117-8 Click to view item (M) 2 nude S/S by Amadeo Modigliani
803a-i Click to view item # 803h - Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Laureate and # 803f - George de Hevesy for Chemistry on sheetlet of 9 Nobel winners
634 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Arnold Schoenberg, composer. S/S
657,9-60,4 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover 100th Ann Chagall Part I - set of 4 paintings
658,61-3 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover 100th Ann Chagall Part II - set of 4 paintings
665 Click to view item Same - S/S I - The Sabbath
666 Click to view item Same - S/S II - The Cattle Driver
750 Click to view item 40th Ann Israel Exhibition overprint
774 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Danny Kaye, famous movie star, comedian and UNICEF goodwill Ambassador
776 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Marx Brothers, famous comedians of film and T.V. Souvenir Sheet
799 Click to view First Day Cover Neils Bohr on FDC
799,803-4 Click to view item Albert Einstein, Neils Bohr, Albert Michaelson. Nobel Laureates
803 Click to view First Day Cover Albert Michaelson on FDC
804 Click to view First Day Cover Albert Einstein on FDC.
909-10,2,5 Click to view item # 909 - Paul Ehrlich and # 910 - Selman Waksman, Nobel Laureates
1313 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Ellis Island S/S, entry point for most immigrant Jews to USA
1348a-h Click to view item Elliot Gould, actor on baseball sheetlet of 8
1351b Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Walter Matthau, actor on baseball Souvenir sheet
1635a-i Click to view item # 1635d - Nelly Sachs and # 1635g - Paul Ehrlich in Nobel Laureates sheetlet of 9
1719a-h Click to view item #1719d-e paintings by Pissarro: # 1719f - Abduction of Rebecca, #1719g - Daughter of Abraham Ben-Chimol (Morocco), #1719h - Christ on Lake Kinneret, paintings on Metropolitan Museum of Art Sheetlet of 9
1722 Click to view item Metropolitan Museum of Fine Arts S/S - Creation of the World and Expulsion From Paradise by Giovanni de Paolo
1724 Click to view item Children of Israel gathering Manna in the Desert. S/S painting by Rubens
1790-3 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Jerusalem 3000 set of 4 showing Pillar of Absalom, Gate of Mercy, Church of Holy Sepulchre and Western Wall with Jerusalem 3000 logo
1794 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Jerusalem 3000 S/S showing David's Tower and Jerusalem Coat of Arms, Jerusalem 3000 logo
1825 Click to view item Bob Dylan, born Rubin Zimmerman
1825.1 Click to view item Same, but in superb sheetlet of 16 stamps as issued
1919-20 Click to view item 10th Ann of Chabad's Children of Chernobyl
2050a-h Click to view item # 2050c-d: George Gershwin; # 2050e-f: Oscar Hammerstein and # 2050g-h: Leonard Bernstein in composers sheetlet of 8
2052 Click to view item S/S with songwriter Irving Berlin
2084a-h Click to view item # 2084e - Jewish Bride of Tangiers and # 2084f - Seated Jewess from Morocco, on sheetlet of 8 Delacroix paintings
2181a-q Click to view item # 2181h - Teddy bear invented by Jewish toymaker Morris Michtom in Brooklyn; # 2181j - Albert Einstein and theory of relativity and # 2181q - 1st Kibbutz in the Holy land
2200a-i Click to view item The Three Stooges - The Howard Brothers and Larry Fine - on sheetlet of 9 diff
2201-2 Click to view item The Three Stooges - The Howard Brothers and Larry Fine - on 2 S/S's featuring one brother as king, and the second S/S on the telephone
2229 Click to view item Pope's visit to the Holy Land S/S # VIII - Pope rekindles Eternal Flame in Hall of Remembrance at Yad Vashem
2230 Click to view item Pope's visit to the Holy Land S/S # VII - Pope blesses the Holy land on top of Mt. Nebo
2231 Click to view item Pope's visit to the Holy Land S/S # V - Pope places a message of peace at the Western Wall
2232 Click to view item Pope's visit to the Holy Land S/S # I - Pope with President Weizmann and Prime Minister Barak
2233 Click to view item Pope's visit to the Holy Land S/S # VI - Pope prays at Western Wall
2234 Click to view item Pope's visit to the Holy Land S/S # IV - Pope receives Holy Bible from Israel's chief Rabbis
2235 Click to view item Pope's visit to the Holy Land S/S # II - Pope touches a bowl of Holy Land soil upon arrival
2236 Click to view item Pope's visit to the Holy Land S/S # III - Pope speaks at Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial
2267 Click to view item Albert Einstein, and his theory of relativity on Man of the Century S/S

Displaying items 1201 to 1400 on page 7 of 22 total pages.

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