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Catalog #   Description
002 Click to view item Dr. Jonas Salk in S/S of major events of the 20th century UNLISTED
005 Click to view item George Gershwin portrait in sheetlet of 9 for personages of the 20th century UNLISTED
006 Click to view item Dr. Jonas Salk, portrait in sheetlet of 9 for 20th century famous people
007 Click to view item Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of England, on S/S of 20th century events
796 Click to view item Dr. Jonas Salk, discoverer of polio vaccine, on S/S for 100th Ann of Rotary
269-71 Click to view item Henrik Wergeland fought for admitting Jews to Norway
396 Click to view item Jerusalem 3000 - Full sheet of 30 diff Biblical illustrations appearing in In our Image by Guy Rowe (1894-1969) A WHO'S WHO of the Bible.
461 Click to view item Same as # 396 but overprinted for Israel '98 in silver
538a-q # 538n - Birth of Karl Marx
539a-q Click to view item # 539k - Challenger disaster with portrait of Judith Resnick and # 539l - Nazi Klaus Barbie, convicted butcher of Lyons in France
557a-t Click to view item # 557g - Betty Frieden, feminist; # 557h - Sigmund Freud, #557p - Carl Sagan, astronomer and # 557q - Dr. Jonas Salk, on sheetlet of 20 Visionaries of the 20th Century
559a-e Click to view item # 559c - Daniel Nathans, Nobel Laureate for medicine, sheetlet of 5
561a-e Click to view item # 561c - Paul Berg, Nobel Laureate for medicine in sheetlet of 5
624a-f Click to view item # 624f - Saul Bellow - Nobel Laureate for literature in sheetlet of 6
625a-f Click to view item # 625a - Boris Pasternak, Nobel Laureate for literature, sheetlet of 6
Palestinian Authority
B1 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover S/S showing the signing of the DOP at the White House, with Rabin, Clinton and Arafat, Israel flag
B3 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Souvenir sheet # B1 overprinted "fils"
C 629 850th Anniversary of Maimonides. Souvenir Sheet Only 5000 issued
534-5,B63 Click to view item # 534 - Pawel Finder, Polish Communist organizer
592-4 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 592 - Jan Kochanowski, translator of Old Testament
795 Click to view item Henri Wieniawski music festival
859-60 Click to view item Esperanto Movement, founded by Dr. Ludwig Zamenhof
880-5 Click to view item # 882 - Albert Einstein
979-84 Click to view item # 981 - Casimir IV Jagiello and # 984 - Taddeisz Kosciusko, all were Gentile benefactors of Polish Jews
1098-1103 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Janusz Korczak, 20th Anniversary of his death
1226-30 Click to view item # 1226 - King Casimir Ill, benefactor of Jews - invited them from Germany to move back to Poland
1333 Click to view item Karl Marx
1711-7 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 1714 - Julian Tuwim, writer, was one of the greatest Polish poets, born in Lodz, Poland.
2226 Click to view item Henri Wieniawski Music festival
2308-12 Click to view item # 2308 - Adolf Warski, Polish Communist Party Organizer
2482 Click to view item Henri Wieniawski music festival
2531-5 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 2532 - Pawel Finder, Polish Communist Party Organizer
2811 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover 100th Ann Esperanto Movement by Dr Ludwig Zamenhof
3107 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover 50th Ann of the death of Bruno Schulz, a Polish writer, fine artist, literary critic & art teacher born to Jewish parents. He was killed by a Nazi officer in 1942.
3432 Click to view item Adam Mickiewicz was the greatest poet in Polish literature. Not Jewish, he had great sympathy for the Jews; in Sept 1855 with his Jewish friend Armand Levy, he set about organizing a Jewish legion - the Hussars of Israel, comprising Russian and Palestinian Jews. Unfortunately he fell ill, and died 2 months later in Constantinople
3509 Click to view item Andrzej Wajda, Polish world acclaimed film director. Although not Jewish, many of his films have major Jewish Themes and Polish implications in the Holocaust, incl Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and a project on Janusz Korczak. He has been awarded an honourary Oscar and also honoured by Israel Film
3668a-y Click to view item Pope John Paul II 25th Ann of his Pontificate. Sheet of 25 with #3668i showing him with Chief Rabbi of Rome at Rome's Grand Synagogue. Only available in sheets and 5 FDCs of rows of 5
3929a-d Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover #3929a - Witold Pilecki, a Catholic Polish soldier during WWII, was author of Witold report, 1st intelligence report on Auschwitz concentration camp. This report enabled Polish government-in-exile to convince the allies that the Holocaust was taking place. One stamp in strip of 4. 2 FDC, one with Pilecki.
3935 Click to view item S/S honouring Jewish Polish military hero Berek Joselewicz, a colonel in the Polish army during the Kosciuszko uprising. Joselewicz commanded the first jewish military formation in modern history. Joint issue with Israel
3949 Click to view item Ludwik Hirszfeld, born into a Jewish family and later converted to Catholicism. He was a microbiologist and serologist. Spent some time in the Warsaw ghetto but survived the war
4004 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Stefan Kisieliewski, Polish writer, publicist, composer. Born to a Polish father and Jewish mother Salomea Szapiro
4018 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Rudolph Stefan Weigl - Gentile Polish biologist and inventor of first effective vaccine against typhus. During Holocaust, he personally risked his life by harbouring Jews, and his vaccines also smuggled into Warsaw ghetto saving possibly thousands of Jewish lives.
4036 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover 200th Ann of the birth of Polish-Russian banker and railroad tycoon Leopold Stanislaw Kronenberg (1812-78). He was from a wealthy and influential Jewish family that converted to Protestantism.
2050-1 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover #2050 - Aristides de Souza Mendes, Righteous Gentile who saved thousands during the Holocaust and was honoured by Israel
2754-57 Click to view item # 2757 - Albert Einstein - issued for Int'l Year of Physics, 50th Ann of his death and 100th Ann of the Theory of Relativity
4131-2 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover 100th Ann of Solar Eclipse that proved Einsteins' Theory of Relativity
4133 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover 100th Ann of Solar Eclipse that proved Einsteins' Theory of Relativity - S/S
001 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover St. Theresa of Avila. Her paternal grandfather, Juan Sanchez de Toledo was a Marrano (Jewish convert to Christianity) who was condemned by the Spanish inquisition for allegedly returning to the Jewish faith
002 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover St. Theresa of Avila. Her paternal grandfather, Juan Sanchez de Toledo was a Marrano (Jewish convert to Christianity) who was condemned by the Spanish inquisition for allegedly returning to the Jewish faith. S/S
006 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover H. Morgenthau, financier and Al Jolson, entertainer , in set of 4
007 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Milton Friedman, Nobel Laureate in set of 8
008 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Albert Einstein, souvenir sheet
262 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Alfred Beit, British Mining Company Director and philanthropist
1605-13 Click to view item Music set with Ludovic Halevy, Carmen (# 1608) and Jacques Offenbach, Tales of Hoffman (# 1613)
1777 Click to view item Karl Marx
1961 Click to view item Karl Marx
3393-8 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 3393 - Julio Popper, explorer
4195-8 Click to view item #4197 - Albert Einstein
4316-9 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 4316 - Karl Landsteiner, Nobel prize winner for the discovery of blood types
4587-90 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover #4590 - Victor Brauner, famous Romanian Jewish surrealistic painter.
4724 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Albert Einstein - issued for Int'l Year of Physics, 50th Ann of his death and 100th Ann of the theory of Relativity
5142 Click to view item Joint issue Israel / Romania commemorating the first Yiddish Theatre in Romania, founded by Avram Goldfadden. Se-tenant pair with label at each end. Note that perfs between labels and stamps are not complete from top to bottom making it difficult to separate the two, and consequently rendering the label actually part of the stamp.
5142.1 Click to view item Full sheetlet of 5 pairs
5142a Click to view item Same - S/S has 2 stamps with side tabs picturing Goldfadden + label in the middle
5638 Click to view item Albert Einstein - 1 stamp in set of 4 inventors and scientists
1962 Karl Marx
2164 Click to view item Shalom Aleichem, greatest of Yiddish writers, centenary of his birth
2524-8 Click to view item # 2524 - Karl Marx
2590 Click to view item Karl Marx statue
2739 Click to view item Karl Marx
2803-5 Click to view item # 2803 - Ilya Metchnikoff, Nobel Laureate in biology
2893 Click to view item 70th Birthday of Yuri Gamarnik, military commander
2931-5 Click to view item # 2931 - Karl Marx
2971A Click to view item 100th Birthday of Pawel Shternberg, astronomer
3041 Click to view item Karl Marx
3045-6 Click to view item # 3045 - Jacob Sverdlov. First President of Russia after revolution
3360 Click to view item Karl Marx and "Das Kapital"
3463 Click to view item Karl Marx
3571 Click to view item Boris Volynov, Jewish cosmonaut S/S
4333 Click to view item Jacob Sverdlov, first Russian President after the revolution
4475 Boris Volynov, Jewish cosmonaut
4741 Click to view item Albert Einstein
4781 Click to view item Karl Marx
4870 Click to view item A.F. Joffe, physicist
5139 Click to view item Karl Marx
5332 Click to view item Jacob Sverdlov, first Russian President after the revolution
5612 Click to view item Samual Marshak, author
5662 Click to view item Karl Marx
5999-6001 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 6000 - Elie Metchnikoff, First Russian Nobel Laureate
6026-9 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover #6027 - Ilya Krichevsky, Jewish hero killed in abortive coup in 1991
6606a-l Click to view item # 6606c - Battleship Potemkin, movie by director Sergei Eisenstein, in sheetlet of 12
6656-64 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 6657 - Faina Ranevskaya, famous Jewish Russian film actress, in sheetlet of 9 diff. 9 diff FDC
6657.1 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Faina Ranevskaya, famous Jewish Russian film actress, cinema booklet with first day cancel.
6666 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Arkady Raikin, famous Jewish Russian comedian
7633 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Iosif Alexandrovich Brodsky, Russian and American poet, born into a Jewish family in Leningrad from a Rabbini family.
001 Click to view item Yaacov Sverdlov, 1st President of Russia after revolution. Souvenir card I issued by philatelic club in Sverdlovsk
002 Click to view item Yaacov Sverdlov, 1st President of Russia after revolution. Souvenir card II issued by philatelic club in Sverdlovsk
003 Click to view item Yaacov Sverdlov, 1st President of Russia after revolution. Souvenir card III issued by philatelic club in Sverdlovsk
006 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Yuri Borisovich Levitan, born Yudka Berkowitz 1914 in Vladimir, Russia to a Jewish couple. He was Russia's most famous radio announcer in all of Russia from before WWII until 1983. He was Stalin's favourite announcer, and announced almost all major Russian events for over 45 years.
Sahara Republic
001 Click to view item Chess set of 6 + S/S featuring Mikhail Botvinnik and Akiva Rubenstein
002 Click to view item Marilyn Monroe, converted to Judaism when she married Arthur Miller, sheetlet of 9 diff portraits UNLISTED
San Marino
947 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Albert Einstein
949-53 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 952 - Fred Bennington Lee and Frederick Dannay, both Jews, authors of mystery detective Ellery Queen
994 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Robert Stolz, Gentile composer - who saved dozens of Jews from death during the Holocaust
1263 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Herzian waves, discovered by Heinrich Hertz, whose father was Jewish but converted to Catholicism before marrying. His mother, Anna Elisabeth Pfefferkorn was thought to be Jewish but there exists no definitive proof. Although he did not consider himself Jewish, Hertz himself is buried in Ohlsdorf, Hamburg at the Jewish cemetery.
1432 Click to view item The Three Stooges single stamp. Larry Fine and the Howard brothers were all Jewish
1433a-i Click to view item The Three Stooges - The Howard Brothers and Larry Fine - sheetlet of 9 diff
1434 Click to view item The Three Stooges - The Howard Brothers and Larry Fine - S/S I Crazy Hat
1435 Click to view item The Three Stooges - The Howard Brothers and Larry Fine - S/S II Cowboys
243 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Albert Einstein, 125th Ann of his birth
243.1 Click to view item Albert Einstein, 125th Ann of his birth. Sheetlet of 8 + label
304-5 Click to view item # 305 - Einstein, 50th ann of his death and 100th Ann Theory of Relativity
304-5.1 Click to view item # 305 - Einstein, 50th Ann of his death and 100th Ann Theory of Relativity. Sheetlets of 8 + label
001 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Danilo Kis, Yugoslav novelist and writer. His father was a Hungarian Jewish railway inspector. One stamp - bottom right corner - in sheetlet of 8 + label. FDC consists of set of 4
002 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Bora Baruh, artist, Sephardic Jew born in Belgrade, son of a tailor. One in set of 4. FDC consists of set of 4
003 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Oskar Danon, Bosnian Jewish composer and conductor of Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, born in Sarajevo. One in set of 3
Sierra Leone
741-3 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 742 - Albert Einstein, # 743 - Maimonides, 850th Ann of his birth
754 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Thomas Mann, married a Jewess. Novelist and a leader of German anti-Nazi intellectuals
909-12 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover 4 portraits of Jews who helped Columbus: Isaac Abarbanel & Luis de Santangel were fundraisers, Abraham Zacuto was an astronomer and and Luis de Torres was a translator
1610a-h Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 1610c - John Garfield and # 1610d - Kirk Douglas on boxing movies sheetlet of 8
1844a-i Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 1844e - Rosalyn Yalow, Nobel Laureate for medicine 1977 on sheetlet of 9
1845a-i Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover #1845a - Tobias Asser and # 1845g - Elie Wiesel, Nobel Laureates on sheetlet of 9
1847 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Albert Einstein S/S
1866a-i Click to view item Steven Spielberg, Fritz Lang and David Selznick on 100 years of cinema sheelet of 9
2251a-f Click to view item Sammy Davis, Jr. who converted to Judaism on sheetlet of 6 diff
2252 Click to view item Sammy Davis, Jr. who converted to Judaism on S/S
2325 Click to view item Albert Einstein and theory of relativity on Man of the Century S/S
2394a-f Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 2394f - King David playing the harp, painting by Jan de Bray on Rijksmuseum sheetlet of 6
2543 Click to view item Japanese consul Chiune Sugihara, who together with his wife Yukiki, saved thousands of Jews from the Nazis.
2543.1 Click to view item Japanese consul Chiune Sugihara, who together with his wife Yukiki, saved thousands of Jews from the Nazis. Sheetlet of 4
2846a-b Click to view item Michael Douglas, UN messenger of Peace on se-tenant pair
2846a-b.1 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Michael Douglas as UN Messenger of Peace on 2 stamp set x 3 sets on sheetlet
3057a-d Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Legendary Jewish heroes of Africa. This S/S of 4 acknowledges the extraordinary sacrifices made by African Jews in the liberation of their South African brethren from apartheid and slavery
196.1 Click to view item # 196 - Rabbi Chatam Sofer, portrait with Menorah in booklet of 5. Cover of booklet with Havdalah spice box
196-8 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 196 - Rabbi Chatam Sofer, portrait with Menorah.
003 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Peter Sagan, Slovak professional road cyclist, winner of 2 world championships, helped launch 1st Israel Pro Cycling Academy in Jerusalem (May be Jewish).
002 Click to view item Groucho Marx, and Marilyn Monroe who converted to Judaism, on S/S of 4 diff UNLISTED
003 Click to view item Albert Einstein on 1 stamp of space sheetlet of 6
South Africa
235 Click to view item General Jan Smuts, avid Christian supporter of Palestine
442 Click to view First Day Cover Jan Smuts, lawyer, general and statesman, an avid Christian supporter of a Jewish homeland in Palestine
473 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Jacob Daniel du Toit, Bible translator
1501-12 Click to view item Superb deluxe booklet commemorating the famous Rivonia Trial of Nelson Mandela. Booklet contains 12 souvenir sheets of famous participants, 5 of whom are Jewish
C 63 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Einstein issue for Int'l Year of Physics. Also 50th Ann of his death and 100th Ann publication of Theory of Relativity.
Southwest Africa
508-11 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 508 - Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, diamond mining magnate. Born Jewish in Germany, later converted.
560 Prime Minister Aljeandro Leroux rescinded Expulsion order of 1492
744-5 Click to view item #744 - Elio Antonio de Nebrija, editor Complutension Polyglot Bible of Alcala (See also #1353-62)
756-7 Click to view item #756 - Ferdinand II El Santo, King of Castille. Protector of Jews who financed his conquest of Seville
781 Click to view item 500th Anniversary birth of Isabella, Queen at time of Inquisition
789 Click to view item 500th Anniversary birth of Ferdinand, King at time of inquisition
1182-6 Click to view item #1183 - King James I of Aragon, ordered famous debate of 1263 between Catholic Clergy and Rabbis
1182-6.1 Click to view First Day Cover Same, set of maximum cards
1197 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Father Raymond Lully called for establishment of Hebrew chairs at European universities
1292-5 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover #1293 - King Alfonso X of Castille, responsible for first golden age of the Jews in Spain
1463 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Maimonides, born in Cordoba, Spain. FDC full set
1610 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Primo de Rivera, Spanish dictator restored citizenship to descendants expelled during inquisition in 1492
1610.1 Click to view First Day Cover Same - maximum card
2044 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover St. Theresa of Avila, had a Jewish grandmother
2302 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover St. Theresa of Avila, had a Jewish grandmother
2302.1 Click to view First Day Cover Same - maximum card
2969-72 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Sephardic heritage set # 2, with portrait of Benjamin Tudela, Synagogue in Segovia, and Jewish quarters
2969-72.1 Sephardic heritage set # 2, with portrait of Benjamin Tudela, Synagogue in Segovia, and Jewish quarter, sheetlet of 4 sets
2975-6 Click to view item #2975 - Angel Sanz Briz, ambassador to Hungary during WWII, saved thousands of Jews by issuing passports and safe-conducts. Declared a Righteous Gentile by Yad Vashem. Human rights issue
C 175-6 Click to view item #C176 - Cardinel de Cisneros. Supervised printing of the Complutension Polyglot Bible in 1522
St. Helena
971 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Sigfried Sassoon, member of the famous Baghdadi Sassoon family. Sassoon was poet and writer, and one his poems is reproduced here on 1 stamp in a set of 6 diff commemorating the 1st World War. FDC has full set
St. Lucia
530 Click to view item Albert Einstein on S/S
St. Thomas and Principe
1358 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Ilan Ramon and Columbia crew shown on S/S of shuttle lifting off
1852a-f Click to view item Emile Berliner - 1852d, inventor of the gramophone, on sheetlet of 6 diff inventors
1950a-d Click to view item Honouring the late Paul Newman, whose father was Jewish on S/S of 4 diff. Newman always identified himself as Jewish, saying it was "more of a challenge." He played in the starring role of Ari Ben-Canaan in the movie Exodus.
1956 Click to view item Honouring the late Paul Newman, whose father was Jewish on S/S of 1. Newman always identified himself as Jewish, saying it was "more of a challenge." He played in the starring role of Ari Ben-Canaan in the movie Exodus.
2104a-d Click to view item Nobel Prize Laureates for chemistry S/S of 4 diff with 2 Judaica: Albert Einstein - 2104c; Richard Feynman - 2104d.
2143a-d Click to view item Yitzhak Rabin, Israel PM and Nobel Peace Laureate 1994; Andrew Fire, US Nobel Laureate in medicine 2006; Martin Chalfie, US Nobel Laureate in chemistry 2008; and Robert Aumann, Israel Nobel laureate in economics 2005. Sheetlet of 4 with Stars of David
2150 Click to view item Albert Einstein on stamp with Elie Wiesel, US Nobel Peace Laureate in 1986 in right margin and Lev Landau, Russina 1962 Nobel laureate for physics in left margin of S/S for Nobel prize winners
2159 Click to view item Vladimir Kramnik, Russian Jewish chess grandmaster
003 Click to view item Felix Mendelssohn on musicians sheetlet of 4 diff.
006 Click to view item Chess champions Judith Polgar from Hungary, Alexander Morezevich, Mikhail Tal, Gary Kasparov, Mikhail Kramnik, on sheetlet of 9 diff chess champions
St. Vincent
1144 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Benny Goodman, jazz musician and big band leader
1271i Click to view item Rod Carew, black all-star baseball player, married a Jewish girl and raised his kids as Jews
1502a-i Click to view item Arturo Toscanini, first conductor of Palestine Philharmonic Orchestra in sheetlet of 9
1563a-h Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover #1563a - Albert Einstein and #1563e - Lev Landau on Nobel Laureates sheetlet of 8
2011 Click to view item Barbra Streisand, singer and actress
2011.1 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Same - Sheetlet of 9 with her signature and margin notations re: tour
2055a-i Click to view item Sheetlet of 9 diff Marilyn Monroe, convert to Judaism when she married Arthur Miller
2218a-l Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover #2218g - Lev Landau, in Nobel Laureates sheetlet of 12
2220a-l Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover #2220a - Robert Barany; #2220c - Alfred Fried; #2220d - James Franck and #2220g - Wolfgang Pauli, in Nobel Laureates sheetlet of 12
2224 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover S/S Dr. Karl Landsteiner, Nobel Laureate for medicine who discovered blood types, making blood transfusions possible
2244-5a-i Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover #2244a,b,h, and #2245a,b,c,d,e all feature William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy, both Jewish on 2 sheetlets of Star Trek. Only 1 of 2 FDCs shown
2356a-d Click to view item Sandy Koufax, Hall of Famer who made Jews all over North America proud by refusing to pitch in the World Series on Yom Kippur. Sheetlet of 3 diff in multiples plus large size single stamp portrait. SUPERB!!!
2509a-h Click to view item # 2509e-f: Beverly Sills, opera singer on sheetlet of 8 famous opera singers
2726a-l Click to view item #2726d - Mike Wallace; #2726g - Elie Wiesel; #2726h - Arthur Miller; #2726k - Neil Simon on sheetlet of 12 for Year of the Elder Person
2764a-r Click to view item #2764a - Sigmund Freud and #2764d - Albert Einstein on millennium sheetlet of 18
2797a-c Click to view item Albert Einstein, Time's Man of the Century sheetlet of 3 diff portraits
2817a-d Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Magician David Copperfield, born David Seth Kotkin in Metuchin, NJ, in S/S of 4
3085a-d Click to view item #3085a - IN MEMORIUM Challenger disaster S/S of 4 diff features William McCool with Ilan Ramon on first stamp
3086a-d Click to view item #3086a - IN MEMORIUM Challenger disaster S/S of 4 diff features David Brown with Ilan Ramon on first stamp
3445a-c Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover # 3445b - Elie Wiesel on world peace S/S
3448a-c Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover #3448b - Dr. Jonas Salk, discovered polio vaccine, 1 stamp in sheetlet of 3 for 100th Ann of Rotary.
3658 Click to view item Felix Mendelssohn, 200th Ann of his birth. Sheetlet of 6 diff
St. Vincent (Bequia)
002 Click to view item The Three Stooges sheetlet of 6 diff comedy act features the Howard brothers and Larry Fine
St. Vincent (Mayreau)
001 Click to view item 90th Ann of Einstein's Nobel prize in S/S of 4 diff portraits
St. Vincent Grenadines
001 Click to view item Click to view First Day Cover Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home. Beautiful sheetlet of 4 diff with Spock and Capt. Kirk, both Jewish

Displaying items 1001 to 1200 on page 6 of 7 total pages.

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