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JUDAICA PHILATELY: Cancellations and Cachets


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Prices are subject to change without notice. ALL PRICES ARE IN US$ DOLLARS.

Item #   Cancel Date Description
United States
USA9501 Click to view item 04/11/1995 Yitzhak Rabin assassinated on Nov 4, 1995. Clorano silk cachet with portrait of Rabin
16710 14/05/1948 Proclamation of the State of Israel, w/Israel flag in cachet Most likely 1st ever U.S. cover with direct Israel connection
16711 16/05/1948 United States 1st country to recognize Israel, w/American Eagle and Israeli flag cachet Probably 2nd U.S. cover with Israel connection
16712 15/06/1958 10th Ann Stamp Exhibit spons by SIP in New York w/.Menorah in cach
16713 06/10/1973 Yom Kippur War breaks out, with cachet showing planes in flight
16714 21/05/1977 Silk cachet of Dr. Florence Sabin, 1st woman elected to National Academy of Sciences
16715 12/08/1977 Silk cachet of Ernestine Rose, daughter of a Rabbi in Poland, feminist, women's reformer in the U.S
16716 19/02/1978 5th Annual Israel Exhibition in Minneapolis, w/Star of David in cancel
16717 19/02/1978 Same - with additional Knesset Menorah cachet in colour
16719 14/05/1978 30th Ann State of Israel, on 4 col covers, cancelled in Jessie, N.D. (w/ Tree of Jesse cachet); Jerusalem, Ohio (w/Jerusalem Coat of Arms cachet): Judah, Wis. (w/Lion of Judah cachet) and Sinai, S.D. (with 10 Commandments cachet).
16720 13/05/1978 30th Ann exhibit in Webster Groves, Mo. with Israel flag in cancel and col cachet of Israel soldiers marching near Jerusalem old city walls
USA2016.01 Click to view item Einstein on beautiful cachet of "Science Meets Stamp Day" at NY 2016 World Stamp Show. Special cancel cancelled 1st day on May 31, 2106
16721 03/04/1979 Silk cachet of Dr. Rosalyn Yalow, on Einstein FDC, Nobel Prize Winner
16722 05/01/1981 Silver foil cachet FDC Red Cross stamp. American Red Cross was founded in 1881 by Clara Barton in home of Adolph Solomon, at that time vice-president of B'nai Brith. Interesting Judaica connection
16723 20/05/1984 Lag Ba'omer Walk festival in LA., on Touro stamp w/Star of David in cancel, and superb Star of David and Menorah in cachet
16724 23/03/1985 Israel Expo, Atlanta, Ga., w/Magen David in canc, Israel soldier cach
16726 19/07/1985 Beersheba Sta cancel in Orange Grove, NJ. with cachet explanation of Beersheba's relationship in Biblical antiquity. canc on Touro stamp
16727 23/04/1989 Marx Bros cancel in Fredonia, N.Y., w/similar cachet
16728 20/09/1991 Hirschfeld Sta can on Jack Benny stp designed by Hirschfeld, on card...

Displaying items 1 to 19 on page 1 of 1 total pages.

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