PHILATELY: Cancellations and Cachets
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Item # |
Description |
Price |
ROM9201 |
08/11/1992 |
Cancel honouring Julius Popper, Romanian Jewish Arctic explorer. Also Tierra Del Fuego local stamp associated with Popper as cachet |
ROM9202 |
10/01/1992 |
Bobby Fischer cancel on chess stamp, chess champion and renegade Jew and American, and renegade to almost anything else. |
ROM9301 |
21/08/1993 |
Israel-Romania Binational Philatelic exhibit Telafila '93 in Cluj. Star of David in cancel and cachet |
ROM9302 |
01/01/1993 |
Mint entire for Israel-Romania stamp exhibit with cachet of painting I by Victor Brauner, Jewish artist |
ROM9303 |
01/01/1993 |
Mint entire for Israel-Romania stamp exhibit with cachet of painting II by Victor Brauner, Jewish artist |
ROM9304 |
05/06/1993 |
Cancel and cachet with portrait honouring Romanian Jewish explorer, Julius Popper. |
ROM9305 |
19/08/1993 |
Romanian-Israel stamp show Telafila '93. Flight cover with Bucharest to Tel-Aviv with El-Al cancel,also Synagogue cachet, canceled Ben-Gurion airport on back |
ROM9306 |
21/08/1993 |
Romanian-Israel stamp show Telafila '93. Combo cover canceled Tel-Aviv and Bucharest opening day. Also with Bucharest Holocaust Memorial cachet, Menorah in Romanian cancel. Only 300 issuedm, numbered. |
ROM9307 |
21/08/1993 |
Romanian-Israel stamp show Telafila '93, with ROmania S/S Sc# 3851 issued for show with special opening day Menorah cancel and trilingual cachet |
ROM9308 |
25/08/1993 |
Romanian-Israel stamp show Telafila '93, with Romania S/S Sc# 3851 issued for show with synagogue cancel in Cluj-Napoca, also trilingual cachet |
ROM9309 |
25/08/1993 |
Romanian-Israel stamp show Telafila '93, combo cover with Romanian synagogue cancel, Tel-Aviv friendship day cancel, also trilingual and synagogue cachet. Only 300 issued, numbered |
ROM9310 |
25/08/1993 |
Romanian-Israel stamp show Telafila '93, with Cluj-Napoca synagogue cancel and cachet |
ROM9311 |
25/08/1993 |
Romanian-Israel stamp show Telafila '93, w/special flight cover to Tel-Aviv, cancel commemorates Struma ship disaster 1942 with 769 lives lost. Cancel and cachet show disaster monument with menorah in Bucharest. Only 250 issued and numbered on back |
ROM9312 |
21/08/1993 |
Romanian-Israel stamp show Telafila '93, with 2 different Menorah cancels, Synagogue and trilingual cachet |
ROM9313 |
26/08/1993 |
Romanian-Israel stamp show Telafila '93, with superb Synagogue cancel in Cluj-Napoca and similar cachet |
ROM9601 |
10/04/1996 |
Gustav Mahler in cancel for music festival in Cluj-Napoca, also Mahler 1907 concert cachet |
ROM9602 |
04/06/1996 |
Entire with cancel and cachet re Romania Israel stamp exhibit. Cancel has name Israel and Olympic rings in it, cachet with Israeli flag |
ROM9603 |
04/06/1996 |
Entire with cancel and cachet re Romania Israel stamp exhibit. Cancel has name Israel, cachet with Israeli flag |
ROM9604 |
04/06/1996 |
Entire with cancel and cachet re Romania Israel stamp exhibit. Cancel has name Israel, cachet with Israeli flag a running stag, symbol of Israel PO |
ROM9604.1 |
04/06/1996 |
Entire with cancel and cachet re Romania Israel stamp exhibit. Cancel has name Israel, cachet with Israeli flag |
ROM9605 |
04/06/1996 |
Entire with cancel and cachet re Romania Israel stamp exhibit. Cancel has name Israel and Olmypic rings in it, cachet with Israeli flag and running stag, symbol of Israel PO |
ROM9606 |
04/06/1996 |
Entire with cancel and cachet re Romania Israel stamp exhibit. Cancel has name Israel and Olympic rings, cachet with Israeli flag |
ROM9607 |
09/10/1996 |
Commemorative coloured cachet and cancel both with portrait of Victor Barna, Romanian Jew and world table tennis champion |
ROM9608 |
03/08/1996 |
Commemorative coloured cachet and cancel both with portrait of Angelica Rozeanu, Romanian Jewess and world table tennis champion |
ROM9609 |
04/08/1996 |
Romanian Israel stamp show Romfilex '96 in Bucharest, with Israel flag in cachet, and name Israel and Israel flag in cancel. Also honouring victims of int'l terrorism in cachet |
ROM9610 |
04/08/1996 |
Romanian Israel stamp show Romfilex '96 in Bucharest, with Israel flag in cachet, and name Israel and Israel PO running stag symbol in cancel. Also honouring victims of int'l terrorism in cachet |
ROM9801 |
13/09/1998 |
Special cancel and cachet commemorating visit to Cluj-Napoca of Budapest Festival Orchestra. Cancel has name of Director Yehudi Menuhin, also his portrait in cachet |
ROM9802 |
01/01/1998 |
Mint entire commemorating 60th Ann of Kristallnacht. Stamp indicates "NO" to fascism and anti-Semitism. Cachet depicts photo of broken store window after pogrom. |
ROM9803 |
06/06/1998 |
Cachet depicts plaque erected at Cluj City Hall in 1998 commemorating deportation of Jews to camps in 1944, in Romanian and English. With Star of David cancel on Holocaust commemorative stamp. |
ROM9804 |
11/04/1998 |
Mendel Haimovici, famous Romnian mathemetician, his name on special commemorative cancel on entire |
ROM9805 |
01/01/1998 |
Addressed entire with cachet of painting by famous Romanian/Israel artist Reuven Rubin, also entire "stamp" with his portrait. |
ROM9806 |
01/01/1998 |
Addressed entire with cachet of painting by famous Romanian/Israel artist Reuven Rubin, also entire "stamp" with logo of Israel '98 world stamp exhibit |
ROM9807 |
01/01/1998 |
Addressed entire with cachet of painting II by famous Romanian/Israel artist Reuven Rubin, also entire "stamp" with his portrait. |
ROM9808 |
01/01/1998 |
Addressed entire with cachet of painting by famous Romanian/Israel artist Reuven Rubin, also entire "stamp" with his portrait. |
ROM9901 |
15/03/1999 |
Albert Einstein stamp and Einstein portrait in special cancel and cachet |
ROM9902 |
14/01/1999 |
Cover commemorates 1927 Romanian table tennis championship team. Pictured on cachet are Z. Mechlovitz and R. Jacobi, both Jews |
ROM9904 |
21/05/1999 |
Mint entire issued opening day of Cluj-Napoca stamp exhibit, with Einstein pictured in cachet |
ROM0001 |
11/03/2000 |
Music festival in Cluj, with Gustav Mahler caricature in cancel and cachet |
ROM0002 |
22/08/2000 |
Karl Landsteiner stamp and portrait in cancel, with blood groups in cachet. Nobel Prize Leareate Landsteiner discovered blood types leading to ability nof blood transfusions. |
ROM0003 |
22/04/2000 |
Entire with Einstein stamp, E$instein portrait in cancel and cachet for Romanian Israel stamp exhibit in Cluj. |
ROM0004 |
23/04/2000 |
Mint entire with portrait of Augustin Major on cachet. Jewish physician and inventor of "multiple" telephone system. (?) Issued for Romania Israel stamp exhibit in Cluj-Napoca. |
ROM0005 |
23/04/2000 |
Entire with portrait of Augustin Major on cachet and cancel. Jewish physician and inventor of "multiple" telephone system. (?) Issued for Romania Israel stamp exhibit in Cluj-Napoca. |
ROM0006 |
26/04/2000 |
Mint entire with pre-eminent Romanian Jewish philatelist Laszlo Eros pictured on cachet, issued for Romania Israel exhibit in Cluj |
ROM0007 |
26/04/2000 |
Entire with pre-eminent Romanian Jewish philatelist Laszlo Eros pictured on cachet and in cancel, also Star of David, issued for Romania Israel exhibit in Cluj |
ROM0008 |
25/04/2000 |
Mint entire with pre-eminent Romanian Jewish philatelist Eugen Frieder pictured on cachet. Issud for Romania Israel stamp exhibit in Cluj |
ROM0009 |
25/04/2000 |
Entire with pre-eminent Romanian Jewish philatelist Eugen Frieder pictured on cachet and in cancel. Also Star of David in cancel.Issued for Romania Israel stamp exhibit in Cluj |
ROM0010 |
28/04/2000 |
Mint postcard with Cluj Synagogue on stamp and cachet. Issued for Romanian Israel stamp exhibit. |
ROM0011 |
28/04/2000 |
Postcard with Cluj Synagogue on stamp and cachet, and superb cancel. Issued for Romanian Israel stamp exhibit. Synagogue dedicated to Holocaust victims. |
ROM0012 |
28/04/2000 |
Postcard with Cluj Synagogue and cancel on Holocaust stamp. Issued for Romanian Israel stamp exhibit. Synagogue dedicated to Holocaust victims. |
ROM0013 |
01/01/2000 |
Postcard entire with Timisoara Synagogue on "stamp" and cachet |
ROM0014 |
11/10/2000 |
Music festival in Cluj, with George Gershwin portrait in cancel and cachet |
ROM0015 |
28/12/2000 |
80th Ann of the birth of violinist Isaac Stern with his portrait in cancel |
ROM0016 |
29/12/2000 |
2 diff cancels commemorating the Hagibor Sport Organization, on Judaica related stamp, with cachet of Hagibor labels. |
ROM0017 |
21/02/2000 |
Cancel honouring Dr.Csibi Eros, Romanian Jewish table tennis champion on Judaica related stamp, with cachet of Hagibor Sports Club labels. |
ROM0018 |
01/01/2000 |
Mint entire with Timisoara Synagogue on "stamp" and cachet |
ROM0019 |
28/04/2000 |
Superb set 6 diff S/S size labels, 4 with Synagogues, 2 showing Holocaust labels on 6 covers; each canceled on Holocaust stamp with cancel of Cluj Synagogue dedicated to Holocaust victims. See "labels" in Judaica stamps and covers link for Mint S/Ss |
ROM0101 |
23/07/2001 |
Entire with cancel honouring C.D. Rosenthal, famous Romanian revolutionary painter. |
ROM0102 |
10/01/2001 |
Martin Marco, dean of Israel Stamp dealers, reknowned philatelist, expertiser on Israel and Romanian philately, living in Israel(90 years old and still dealing. Superb portrait in cachet, also in cancel when he was in Romanian Army, as well as on stamp. |
ROM0103 |
11/01/2001 |
Albert Einstein, superb portrait on cachet, and in cancel playing violin. |
ROM0104 |
27/12/2001 |
Maccabi sports club of Oradea, with Star of David cachet, and cancel on cover with Olympic stamp |
ROM0201 |
26/02/2002 |
Commemorative cachet and cancel re Israel's basketball team playing against Romania. Name israel in cancel |
ROM0202 |
15/04/2002 |
Commemorative cachet and cancel honouring actor Edward G. Robinson, born in Romania |
ROM0203 |
23/12/2002 |
Suberb Synagogue cancel re Judaic Institute on Judaica stamp, also Dr. Moshe Carmilly Shash Hevra Kadisha Synagogue in cancel,with superb Synagogue S/S sized label cachet |
ROM0204 |
24/12/2002 |
Superb Star of David cancel on Judaica stamp re: Judaica Institute, also Dr. Moshe Carmilly Shash Hevra Kadisha Synagogue in cancel,with superb Synagogue S/S sized label cachet |
ROM0205 |
31/12/2002 |
Superb star of David cancel re 1st Zionist Congress in Romania, on Judaica stamp with superb Synagogue S/S sized label cachet |
ROM0302 |
27/03/2003 |
Int'l Physchoanalysis Convention with portrait of Sigmund Freud in cancel. |
ROM0401 |
14/04/2004 |
125th Ann birth of Albert Einstein. With portrait in cancel, cachet has 3-4 Jewish names of uclear physicists. |
ROM0402 |
14/03/2004 |
125th Ann of birth of Albert Einstein. With portrait in cancel on Einstein stamp, colour cachet has theory of relativity. |
ROM0403 |
14/03/2004 |
125th Ann birth of Einstein, with portrait in cancel and photo cachet with Einstein |
ROM0404 |
03/11/2004 |
Superb Einstein entire with "stamp" and cachet, Theory of relativity etc etc |
ROM0405 |
03/11/2004 |
Superb Einstein entire with "stamp" and cachet, Theory of relativity etc etc, 125th Ann of his birth |
ROM0406 |
03/04/2004 |
Superb Einstein entire with "stamp" and cachet, Theory of relativity etc etc, 125th Ann of his birth |
ROM0407 |
06/04/2004 |
Nobel Paul Ehrlich, name in cancel and photo cachet |
ROM0408 |
14/03/2004 |
Superb set of 4 diff coloured Einstein maxicards, with portrait in cancel re 125th Ann of his birth. |
ROM0409 |
06/04/2004 |
Nobel Laureate Paul Ehrlich name in cancel with Pasteur Institute cachet |
ROM0410 |
09/10/2004 |
60th Ann deportation of Romanian Jews, with Star of david cancel on Holocaust stamp, and Holocaust cachet |
ROM0411 |
15/09/2004 |
170th Ann of Synagogue in Arad, with Synagogue cancel and cachet on Judaica stamp from S/S which includes Israel flag |
ROM0412 |
20/09/2004 |
Sculptor Idel Ianchelevici cancel I on entire with Ianchelevici "stamp", cachet of sculpture in Haifa |
ROM0413 |
20/09/2004 |
Sculptor Idel Ianchelevici cancel I on entire with Ianchelevici "stamp", cachet of sculpture |
ROM0414 |
20/09/2004 |
Sculptor Idel Ianchelevici cancel II on entire with Ianchelevici "stamp", cachet of sculpture in Haifa |
ROM0415 |
20/09/2004 |
Sculptor Idel Ianchelevici cancel II on entire with Ianchelevici "stamp", cachet of sculpture |
ROM0416 |
21/09/2004 |
60th Ann of Holocaust victims from Arad, with monument and Menorah on it and in cancel, also Star of David, canceled on Holocaust stamp |
ROM0417 |
10/01/2004 |
Nobel Laureate Paul Ehrlich portrait in cancel on Pasteur Institute cachet |
ROM0418 |
13/10/2004 |
The Dr. Moshe Carmilly Judaica Institute Conference, with Menorah in cancel, and Institute cachet |
ROM0419 |
29/10/2004 |
Cancel with Einstein name in cancel, cachet and entire "stamp' with portraits of Einstein, commemorating 125h Ann of his birth. |
ROM0501 |
18/04/2005 |
Einstein cancel I in Cluj-Napoca on set of 4 diff maxicards on Einstein stamps. Cancel re 50th Ann of his death and 100th Ann of Theory of Relativity. Few sets available |
ROM0502 |
18/04/2005 |
Einstein cancel II in Bucharest on set of 4 diff maxicards on Einstein stamps. Cancel re 50th Ann of his death and 100th Ann of Theory of Relativity. Few sets available |
ROM0503 |
18/04/2005 |
Einstein cancel III in Sibiu on set of 4 diff maxicards on Einstein stamps. Cancel re 50th Ann of his death and 100th Ann of Theory of Relativity. Few sets available |
ROM0505 |
18/04/2005 |
Einstein cancel V in Constanta on set of 4 diff maxicards on Einstein stamps. Cancel re 50th Ann of his death and 100th Ann of Theory of Relativity. Few sets available |
ROM0506 |
18/04/2005 |
Einstein mint entire "stamp" and portrait on cachet with signature |
ROM0507 |
18/04/2005 |
Entire with "stamp" and portrait on cachet with signature, cancel I in Cluj-Napoca also has portrait |
ROM0508 |
18/04/2005 |
Entire with "stamp" and portrait on cachet with signature, cancel II in Bucharest also has portrait |
ROM0509 |
18/04/2005 |
Entire with "stamp" and portrait on cachet with signature, cancel III in Sibiu also has portrait |
ROM0510 |
18/04/2005 |
Entire with "stamp" and portrait on cachet with signature, cancel IV in Bacau also has portrait |
ROM0511 |
18/04/2005 |
Entire with "stamp" and portrait on cachet with signature, cancel V in Constanta also has portrait |
ROM0513 |
09/02/2005 |
Orchids"Ophrys Israelitica" set of 2 postcards with name in cachet and in cancel |
ROM0514 |
27/10/2005 |
Basketball Euro Challenge Cup with Israel flag in cachet and Israel team member Elitzur Ashkelon in cancel, on postcard I |
ROM0515 |
11/03/2005 |
Basketball Euro Challenge Cup with Israel flag in cachet and Israel team member Elitzur Ashkelon in cancel, on postcard II |
ROM0601 |
14/06/2006 |
Heinrich Heine on cancel, and portrait on cachet on postcard. 150th Ann of his death. Cachet I |
ROM0601.1 |
14/06/2006 |
Heinrich Heine on cancel, and portrait on cachet on postcard. 150th Ann of his death. Cachet II |